Tuesday, December 30, 2008

86,400 seconds. That’s how many you’re given every day.

If those seconds were dollars, you’d immediately be able to produce a list of how that money would be allocated. You’d make it up, you’d consult old lists from the times you played the, “What would you do with a million dollars?” game when you were a kid. You’d solve problems, plug holes and generally put the wolves of life at bay.

Why don’t we do the same with our time?

I’ve heard for years about the time value of money and the money value of time. That’s where I first grasped the concept of time inventory. You’ve gotta think of time as inventory, and once you do, you’ll realize it’s 100% absolutely perishable nature. If you don’t use it right, you can’t save it up and sell it or use it tomorrow – it’s gone... forever!

Get some sort of day planning system that works for you. Buy a PDA, get a fancy leather bound thingy you can carry under your arm, heck, just start using sticky notes on your computer monitor, but get something.

You can’t just let your PDA or your Day Planner tell you what to do. If you allow that, you’re still being reactive. You have to tell it what to tell you what to do. (You might wanna read that sentence again... I did.) I’ve heard the argument that “I don’t wanna live my life in a box”. I say that the only time I have the mental state in which to truly rest is when I'm on top of things.

The problem ain’t the crack in crack-berry; it’s the crack-head on the other end.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hmmm... Who'da thunk it?

Well it actually seems as though a few of you have signed in and left a message. I guess that means I have eyes on it now. (But what does that mean?)

So then let me ask you, all who've commented, what do you think about these headlines for an ad in the magazine?
  1. Step Up or Step Aside
  2. Stop! This ain't the car business! (And remember, they failed)
  3. Get Organized or Get Out

Let me know.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The first, but not the last

This is my blog. I don't know exactly what a blog is, but I'm about to set out on the journey to find out. It is my hope, my intention, to establish a forum that will attract salespeople from all types of businesses who know down deep that sales, when done the right way, can be the most honorable of all professions.

Spread the word. Participate. I dare you.