Saturday, December 27, 2008

The first, but not the last

This is my blog. I don't know exactly what a blog is, but I'm about to set out on the journey to find out. It is my hope, my intention, to establish a forum that will attract salespeople from all types of businesses who know down deep that sales, when done the right way, can be the most honorable of all professions.

Spread the word. Participate. I dare you.


  1. Otis,

    Happy New Year........please get the Blog started, I know it's not possible but we do not want to upstage you!


  2. Hey Otis. Well, if there is any indication of what a blog is, it couldn't be gathered by looking at mine. However, one of my New Year's resolutions would be to maintain it better. Now that I am two months in at At&t, it's going to be a little easier. Anyways, I have your blog now on my blog roll, so I'll be keeping up with it.

  3. Dude , Any form of communication is good.I think the time has come for less anyalisis paralisis and more grass roots role up your sleeves and go to work.The only people to survive now will be the real deal.Remember their is only reasons and results. Only results will generate success....COOP.
