Monday, February 8, 2010

Help me out. Is this worth writing about?

The Karma of Currency

I had some thoughts about leadership; weird thoughts, but thoughts nonetheless. Here they are. I feel that there are a number of different currencies that relationships must trade in. One of those currencies is cash, but cash is by no means the only one.

If you want to employ someone to make you money, you've got to invest money in them in the form of a paycheck. Likewise, if you want someone in your company, a manager for example, to become a better leader, you must invest leadership in that manager in order to derive a return. You must be a good leader to them as opposed to being a micro-manager.

If you want believers on your team, you have to believe in them. If you invest faith, faith is what you’ll get in return.

I’m not unrealistic about my assertion; I’ve been burned by many who I’ve employed in the past. I’ve invested leadership, energy, faith, and cash in people who have taken it all and given no significant return. But the one thing that those broken relationships have in common is that they ended because of money issues, not the intangible currencies.

So tell me, is it worth the effort to develop this thought?

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