Friday, April 30, 2010

Handling "Heat"

I learned the following method at a Service Advisor seminar I attended when I was a kid. It’s probably the only thing I took away from that seminar, but it’s served me very well for years.

When handling “Heat” from an angry customer, remember one thing.

DO NOT TALK… Listen!!

The angry customer will tell his story three times. Listen silently as he does. Don’t respond with anything but eye contact. Don’t even “Okie-doke” the guy or say, “I see” or “I understand”. Don’t ask him to clarify anything (until later). At the end of his third time through, the most amazing thing happens, he will stop talking completely. He does this for a few reasons. Please allow me to borrow from the language of “theatre-ease” and explain those reasons as three events. I’ll call them the Rehearsal, the Performance, and the Finale.

  • The Rehearsal: The first time through his story he’ll be ranting, he’ll be emotional, and he won’t have his routine rehearsed well enough. So he’ll have to recount the entire ordeal a second time. It is critical not to engage him while he is emotional. Just listen. Hey, for the last fifteen minutes on his drive to your dealership, he’s been practicing what he’s gonna say to you. And the more he gets fired up, the more he has to remember, and the more he’s gonna read you the riot act when he sees you. Now he’s in front of you and here comes...

  • The Performance: This is his second time through; where he’ll say the more clever things he rehearsed in the car. He is so focused at this point; he has nothing else on his mind and he’s just about through. He may catch a second wind here, and really be mean.

  • The Finale: The third time through is the, “And another thing!” session. And, fueled by emotion, he is likely to say the more insulting things he thought of in the car during the Rehearsal but forgot to throw in during the performance. Again, do NOT respond until he’s done.

Now when the Finale is over, the whole thing will probably end rather abruptly. Here’s why. For the last half hour, this guy has been focused on one thing and one thing only; telling YOU what YOU did wrong. Once he’s got it all out of his head, he is left with nothing more to say – no more unexpressed emotion, and the result is basically silence… …because for the last half hour, he hasn’t been sending anything else into his mental pipeline.

This is when you’ve got the opportunity of a lifetime. Until this very moment, you’ve had a problem to deal with, and nothing with which to fix it. Now, after he has emptied his anger, and before anything else can cloud his head, is when you speak. You get to place the first thing into his drained pipeline.

And you convey to him two things, and only two things; empathy, and a solution. Why? Two reasons; one, because all he wants is empathy and a solution, and two, because he deserves empathy and a solution.

Here’s how we were taught to respond in the Service Advisor seminar. “Mr. Customer, I think I understand how you feel. Here’s how I’d like to offer to resolve the issue.” And then offer a resolution. You’ve told him, on his terms, by addressing his emotion (I think I understand how you FEEL) that you empathize with him. You’ve also told him that a solution to his issue is as important to you as it is to him.

My brother worked as an Assistant Principal in charge of discipline at a high school where he met often with parents appalled that their little angels had broken any rules and were being punished. After one particularly grueling session he called me on his way home to download the event so as not to unleash his pent up fury on his wife and kids over spaghetti and garlic bread. It seemed that he’d tried multiple times with no success to get a word in edgewise during little Johnny’s defense case.

Each time he’d attempted to inject some reason into the conflict, the flames would shoot further out of Dad’s eyes while the filth from his cake-hole got filthier, and Mommy’s head turned 360’s faster and more violently on the end of her neck with each attempted “but…but…” that my brother tried to squeeze in.

As I tried to do my brotherly best to sympathize, the lesson from the Service Advisor seminar began to echo in my head. So I shared it with my struggling sibling in hopes of helping him bring down his stomach acid.

He liked it. He tried it. He was absolutely amazed by the results. From that point forward, my brother found himself dealing with much more reasonable and cooperative parents on a regular basis. That made his disciplinary actions much more effective because he was now able to collaborate with the parents to affect real changes in the kids being disciplined.

Now he told me later that he had to develop a few mental tricks so he wouldn’t interrupt while his attackers did the three round exercise; counting backwards from 1,372,416 by threes always seemed to help. Listen, I know how hard it is to hear that your customers have been failed by your company. And I know how much harder it is when your team did the right thing for the customer and the customer just doesn’t agree.

Will this method work perfectly every time, you might ask? Nope. But here’s my counter question to you. Will it hurt you to try? If you do it right—from the heart—I’m convinced that it can help you can change your corner of the world. You might just make it a little better place to be.

I dare you.


  1. My Dad used to say… “G-d gave you one mouth and two ears,” he must have thought that listening was more important than talking.
    I’d like to add that I feel strongly that the empathy should be genuine, it should come from a real experience you’ve had. Think back to a time when you truly felt you had been done wrong e.g., incorrect wireless bill, last time you took your car in for service, basically any service that you felt you did not receive what you had paid for or your expectations were not met. The empathy should be something real and not just a regurgitated/practiced phrase. Otherwise all you’re doing is commiserating… not being empathetic.
    I’d also suggest for the “listener” to restate the concerns the customer has just told you. This proves that you were listening and that you understand the customer’s issues. This practice also assists in helping you listen and not talk (you have to remember what the customer was saying if you have to repeat it).
    There is a difference between an “order taker” and a “salesperson.” Same is true for a service desk employee. You can be an “order taker” or you can be a “customer handler.” If you are the latter… then take ownership of the customer’s problem. A service writer can usually take care of 90% or better, of the average issues that take place in a service department.
    The most important part is the “offering” of a resolution as you suggested. My rub is not enough companies empower their employees to the degree to help “on the spot” without having to say, “I need to talk to the manager about this.” If you have an equitable and economical solution, offer it right then and there.
    It also helps if an employee is empowered to offer a consolation item for the customer’s disappointment or issues. Doesn’t have to be overboard, but something as simple as… “Steve, the next time you come in for service there will be a note in your file for a free oil change.” It can also be something as simple as having a rubber stamp made up that reads “You are entitled to a 10% discount on your next service.” The service writer can stamp this on the back of their business card for the customer.
    My hats off to all service writers that perform their job well! It is easily the hardest and least appreciated position in a dealership.

  2. I have to agree with Steven on multiple counts:

    1. God did give is two ears so we should listen TWICE as much as we speak.

    2. Empowerment - too many times dealership "managers" aren't allowed to manage. Heck, half the time they're not allowed to see what they're managing - raw balance sheet data.

    3. Service writer / manager is the least appreciated position in the dealership - it's mostly negative circumstances(something's broke) that result in customer interaction with service personnel.

    I must like to hear myself because I was already launching into the next step - resolution. Deleted a paragraph and a half of "brilliance". Think I'll just shut up and listen now.

    Well done Otis.

  3. Gentlemen, I agree as well. However, this particular exercise was merely trying help folks find a way to extinguish the heat prior to reconciling. Otis
